
Rand Paul claims to stand for liberty and the constitution, but his own words tell a different story.
This site features video clips and minimal commentary showing what he really stands for: a cruel and unfair racially segregated police state.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Rand Wins (with the help of Aquabuddha and millions in secret anonymous corporate cash) Declares victory for the rich and declares end of all taxes forever!

What kind of libertarian wants to put government into our bedrooms and women's wombs, but he wants to take government out of the business of protecting public safety and stopping racial segregation?

1.  A fake libertarian

2.  A corporate shill for the rich who has duped his followers with promises of free pot and no taxes, and and end to foreign war, yet he says "the military should be the top priority of our government"

3.  A shameless cheerleader for the rich, who now goes further than ever before be announcing that rich people and poor people do not exist.  We are all the same.   Try telling that to your landlord, your grocer or your hospital bills.  Hasn't worked for me.

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