
Rand Paul claims to stand for liberty and the constitution, but his own words tell a different story.
This site features video clips and minimal commentary showing what he really stands for: a cruel and unfair racially segregated police state.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

This is why religion is not a good tool for political attack if you want to win while taking the high road.

There are so many legitimate ways to attack Rand Paul's questionable morality that are relevant to his attempt to win public office. The policy he endorses of eliminating every function of government EXCEPT police and military would lead to a military police state, not a libertarian paradise, though apparently we would not be invading other countries, just our own, and we would be allowed to get high, and to discriminate based on race or disability in our private businesses. Big corporate criminals like BP would be allowed to despoil the land and sea, destroy the habitat and livelihoods of animals and people, but we would have no roads, schools, public science, social security, unemployment, minimum wage, child labor laws, crack would be sold in high school vending machines etcetera.

If one wants to get personal one could simply attack him for his deceptive business practices, claiming to be a board certified opthamologist while in fact he is only certified by a "board" he created with two family members and himself as the board and staff.

One could even go after him for tying up a woman, and trying to make her take bonghits and pray to Aqua Buddha. And this does just that.... but then it goes over the cliff, attacking him for not being a good enough Christian. The constitution explicitly forbids a religious test for holding office, so this is very unbecoming of his opponent.

However, Rand is still a hypocritical, dodgy, dishonest politician who would end desegregation of private businesses and let big business run hog wild. He claims to be a libertarian but he would allow police and military to completely take over our entire government.

That being said, here's the ad that starts off well, then goes wrong.
Don't let it sway you though. This country can't stand a Rand in office.

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